National-International Missions

Abby Carter- Child Evangelism Fellowship (Uruguay)

Starting in 2004 Abby Carter has been working with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Uruguay. Abby works with CEF camps, local churches and is actively involved in sharing the gospel with the next generation. Find out more...

James & Donelle Morrell- Argentina Field Director & Camp

Since joining the GMSA in 2009, God has laid it upon our hearts to serve Him in Chivilcoy, Argentina. Since arriving in 2014, our primary ministry focus is developing the camping and conference ministry. The goal of the ministry is to assist in church planting by edifying the body of Christ, reaching the lost for Christ, and preparing workers to build Christ’s church. Find out more...

New Brunswick Bible Institute (NBBI)

The New Brunswick Bible Institute was incorporated with the purpose and objective of establishing a school for the training of young men and women in a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible and to meet the needs of all the various evangelical bodies for trained workers in the Maritime Provinces in particular, and home and foreign workers in general. Find out more...

Operation Christmas Child

Each Year Grace Community Chapel (GCC) comes together to support the mission of Samaritan’s Purse in reaching globally with the gospel via a shoebox full of gifts to a child in need for Christmas. These shoeboxes are sent worldwide. GCC Partners with Operation Christmas Child as a collection point and drop-off location.

Have a Mission or Missionary to Support?

Reach out to our Elder team so we can begin the process of determining adopting it at GCC