Local Missions

Grace Clothing Closet

Twice a year Grace Community Chapel (GCC) open’s its doors for a community clothing closet. The clothing closet provides new and gently used clothing to anyone in our community who is in need. Additionally, for anyone in need throughout the year, GCC keeps some items in stock to provide for emergency needs. Find out more about this local ministry….

For fifty years Camp Berea has been a Christian teen overnight summer camp committed to reaching youth with the truth of Christ’s love for them in a relaxed and fun environment. They seek to provide an amazing opportunity for teens aged 13-18. Allowing them to enjoy a crazy week of sports, swimming, water skiing, tubing, friends, and mentorship. Find out more…

Each Year Grace Community Chapel (GCC) comes together to support the mission of Samaritan’s Purse in reaching globally with the gospel via a shoebox full of gifts to a child in need for Christmas. These shoeboxes are sent worldwide. GCC Partners with Operation Christmas Child as a collection point and drop-off location.

Each year in the Summer the believers at GCC gather together to create a day camp for children. This day camp is a time of fun, games, singing, and learning truth from God’s Word. The purpose of this event is both to train kids in righteousness and truth as well as evangelize those in our community who do not know who Jesus is. Find out more…

Have an Idea for a Local Mission / Ministry?

Reach out to our Elder team to present your idea! Either connect with us on a Sunday or contact us below.